These Are Our Downloadable


FREE DIY Automatic Chicken Door Opener Plans

When the last chicken hops on the roost, the door closes.  When the chickens hop off in the morning, the door opens.  No electricity, no batteries, no timers.  No worrying about predators at night.  No getting up at the crack of dawn to let your chickens out.

This design can be used by three to six chickens in a 4 ft wide X 3 ft deep X 3 ft tall coop (minimum size), but you can alter the design to suit your coop and flock size.

Downloadable plans cost only $4.99 and include a supply list with links, and step-by-step instructions with pictures and diagrams.

Plans are protected by copyright and may not be copied, posted, or shared.

DIY Foolproof Fodder System

Grow your own fodder for your chickens both indoors and outdoors all year long.  Your chickens will be delighted at the lush tray of grass that they get to eat daily.

This system is designed to be used with the Revolutionary Chicken Sprouting Rack (free plans available below).  Use the sprouting rack for three days to grow sprouts, then transfer the sprouts to the fodder system.

When indoors, the fodder system is manually watered twice a day with a little more than two quarts (1+ quart on each side).  There is no splashing or splattering, so it can be placed anywhere--even over a hardwood floor.  And with a footprint of 23" long X 14" deep, it doesn't take up a lot of space.

When outdoors, it should be placed in the shade next to a spigot.  The system is watered automatically with a hose timer.  All you need to do is collect the fodder that is ready and fill the empty tray with sprouts each day.

Downloadable plans cost only $4.99 and include a supply list with links, sketches with dimensions from many angles, as well as building and usage tips

Plans are protected by copyright and may not be copied, posted, or shared.

DIY Canning Jar Sprout Rack

Use this rack to make sprouts daily.  Holds three quart jars.  Jars can be tipped upside down to allow for complete draining to avoid mold. 


No drilling, nailing, screwing necessary.  Attach with wood glue.


You can feed these sprouts to chickens directly (or you can eat them) or you can transfer them to the Foolproof Fodder System for growing fodder. 


Downloadable plans are free and include sketches from multiple angles with dimensions, as well as  tips for using the sprout rack.


*Note: Instead of building a sprout rack, a much easier option would be to buy the sprout stands.


Plans are protected by copyright and may not be copied, posted, or shared.

sprouter rack with jars
sketch of sprout rack
chicken run

Chicken Run

The great thing about this chicken run is that it is really easy to build.  It is built in four sections that are similar.  Just build each section, then put them together.  It uses a fence as a fourth wall, saving time and money.


This run is 13' long x 5' wide x 6-7' tall.  You can use these plans to alter the dimensions to fit your space.


Downloadable plans are free and include a supply list and links, sketches from multiple angles with dimensions, as well as tips for building.


Plans are protected by copyright and may not be copied, posted, or shared.

Happy Building!

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