As much as I would want to answer this question with a resounding “Yes!,” I do realize that chickens are not for everyone.
The following is a list of questions to help you determine whether you should or should not take the feathered plunge.
- Am I trying to save money on eggs? Yes No

If you answered yes, you should know that, unless you are looking at free range organic eggs, the eggs you buys at a grocery store are cheaper than the eggs your chickens will lay. The feed chickens eat won’t give you $1/dozen eggs.
2. Do I mind getting a little dirty? Yes No
If you are the kind of person who is squeamish about getting a little dirt underneath your fingernails, raising chickens is not for you. There is plenty of dirt/poop involved. It doesn’t have to be unsanitary, but definitely a little dirty.

3. Do I have neighbors who are extremely sensitive? Yes No
If you answered yes, think twice about getting chickens. Everyone knows that roosters are loud, but listen to this: HENS are loud. Not all the time, and not every day. But enough of the time to make you embarrassed—especially if you really care what your neighbors think, and especially if your neighbors are difficult already. On the other hand, if you think you can appease neighbors with eggs, then you have a plan.
4. Will children help to care for the chickens? Yes No

I think that chickens go really well with children. Children love to hold chicks and feed chickens when they get older as well as gather their eggs. The first thing my daughter does when new friends come over is show them her chickens.
5. Can I catch a chicken (am I fast?) Yes No
This one doesn’t actually matter all that much. If your chickens get out of the coop or run…and they will…you always have the option of doing nothing (leave them alone and they will come home…). Chickens naturally come back to their coop at night, so you can always just shut the door behind them when they come back.

6. Do I enjoy growing my own food? Yes No

If you answered yes, you will probably enjoy raising chickens. Chickens can be an extension of your gardening–your eggplants! In fact, chickens actually can help with your garden by providing great organic materials for the dirt. You can also compost with your chickens’ help. See “Composting with Chickens.”
7. Will you be able to go out to the coop every day, even in the winter? Yes No

This is the big one. Chickens are not hard or time-consuming, but they do take a teensy bit of time each day. Remember that, unless you have electricity in your coop, you will need to give them fresh water each day in the winter when their water freezes.
If you are wondering how much time chickens will take, check out my post “Raising Chickens without Stress.”
There is tremendous satisfaction in raising backyard chickens. And, having rubbed shoulders with many chicken owners, it is heart-warming how many of them actually love their chickens. They are entertained by them, they are proud of them, they enjoy caring for them. However, I know raising chickens is not for everyone. My daughter who can’t stand working outside and getting a little dirty would never enjoy raising chickens. My mother loves gardening but would worry about them being too loud for the neighbors. And my sister who owns her own business would probably not be able to make time for them in the winter. To each her own. I’ve stopped trying to get everyone in my family to get their own flock. Now I just share the eggs.